Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hooking Up Tomorrow

Well, we've decided to take our first real (decent weather) trip of the year tomorrow. We are headed to Victorian Acres RV Park in Nebraska City. It looks like a nice RV park with some decent amenities. The biggest thing I am looking for is FULL hook-ups so we can properly FLUSH and UN winterize the trailer. Full hook ups are the only way to go for the first trip of the season especially when want to flush the entire system two or three times to get all the RV antifreeze out of the system and to do the ANNUAL flushing with a bleach solution. So, we are off, it will be a working trip somewhat cause I have a few other things to do before our BIG boys trip to the Masters in two weeks. The Camper also goes into the shop to fix the door mid next week and they may have it until a few days before we head out so this may really be the only time to get inspection and everything else done. We'll have a bonfire and beers and all the usual stuff associated with a fun time, looking forward to it... We'll report back after the trip...

ALSO - We just reserved BRANCHED OAK for Thursday night through Sunday of the 4th of July Holiday weekend. YEEEEEE HAAAAAAA

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

WOW - Not AGAIN...

A while back (maybe 6 months ago or so) I posted that someone attempted to break into my trailer, with no real damage other than a scratch or two on the door. WELL it happened again at Budget Storage off of 159th and Pacific. This time they did a little more damage, they brought a crow bar and really buggered up the door and door jam BUT didn't make it all the way into the trailer, don't know if they were scared off or what but they did NOT gain entry into the trailer. They did however gain entry into my front storage area and made off with BOTH of my tool boxes. I was PISSED for a couple of days but what can I do about it now. Insurance will cover a new door and tools but I will have to pay my deductible, ANYHOW, I guess it could have been worse.

After the last event at this facility I figured anything can happen once but after the second time I immediately pulled my Camper out of there and found a new DOUBLE secret location.

$900 estimate and a $350 check coming my way to replace my tool boxes. $500 detectable, oh well, at least it will be as good as new again. I'll post a pic later...

Should have the camper at the dealer by the 25th and back to me a day or two later - Makes me a little nervous cutting it that close to our masters trip but I am sure it will be fine as long as the new door comes in on time. Its not so bad we couldn't go cause it shuts and forms a seal but it sticks out like a sore thumb and would give incentive to someone as an easy target if they were contemplating something stupid....

I think we'll camp this weekend and get everything ready for our long trip, dunno where, probably somewhere close like Two Rivers or Louisville but it looks to be nice enough to get out and enjoy it.

Until Next Time